
Genesis, Part I: God and His Creation (Genesis 1–11) is unavailable, but you can change that!

A natural starting point for Bible study, Genesis, Part I: God and His Creation debunks theories claiming that the Book of Genesis is only ancient history or even a myth. Ten lessons explore how chapters 1–11 of Genesis are a “blueprint for the rest of salvation history,” covering themes of temptation, sin, grace, redemption, human sexuality, family, and covenant. Memory verses and study...

b. God told man to be fruitful and to have dominion over the earth. How do these two commands that God gave to man confirm that he was indeed made in the image and likeness of God? In verse 16, “God made the two great lights, the greater light to rule the day, and the lesser light to rule the night.” Note that the sun and moon are not named. In the ancient world, the very words “sun” and “moon” were synonymous with the names of deities. In contrast,
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